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Boost Aftermarket Product Sales and Efficiency in Three Easy Steps

Mark O'Neil - Aftermarket products are an essential profit center for your dealership, but during an economic slump, boosting these sales is crucial. Although you may be seeing fewer buyers in your showroom, you can compensate for less volume by ensuring your F&I department is maximizing every deal.

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Don’t Panic: Be Smart

David Wilson - I started in the retail automotive industry when interest rates were 22 percent, customers were sparse and everyone was saying how bad it was. The dealer I started with had just hocked his home to invest in the deal and we lost over $200,000 the ...

Compliance Complacency: How Much Compliance is Enough?

Aaron Proctor - When I speak to dealers for the first time about the Privacy Act or Red Flags compliance, I begin with three questions...

Mountain View Auto Takes on the Virtual Frontier

Kimberly Long - Mountain View has been steadily working toward a stronger online presence for several years, striving to mold efforts into what Erwin described as “a full-fledged, go-after-it, no-holds-barred concept of e-commerce.” That concept has developed into a ...

An Exercise in Planning and Patience: Purchasing a Franchise is a Drawn Out Affair as Aztec Chevrolet Discovers

Kimberly Long - Buying a dealership, even a small one, can be a complicated experience, even for seasoned business owners. Just ask Luis Aliniz, dealer principal of Aztec Chevrolet Pontiac Buick in Beeville, Texas.

Business Development Centers: The Most Accountable, Measurable Department

Glynn Rodean - This position is generally one of an order-taker and is often responsible for fielding complaints. Probably, the CSR you are most familiar with is employed by your cell phone company...

Buying or Selling a Dealership: When to Call in the Experts

John Carroll - For anyone trying to sell a dealership, nothing beats a combination of financial health and clear potential for new growth. But with the economy in a swoon, demonstrating either of those traits these days is no easy task.

Is Special Finance Dead? Don’t Confuse Near-Prime Cutbacks with Special Finance

Greg Goebel - Through the first nine months of 2008, the flow of money through securitization has amounted to less than $1.5 billion; through the first five months of 2007, over $12 billion flowed into subprime finance.

Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - One surefire way to make sure a court won’t enforce your arbitration agreement is to ask it to do more than get you in front of an arbitrator. I can’t tell you the number of arbitration agreements I’ve seen that indicate...

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Choose Success: Sales Are As Strong As You Make Them

Michael Rees - Are you and your team using the fact that so many people are saying business is bad to tell yourselves: “It’s okay that we’re not doing any better. We can’t help it; it’s just the economy”? ...

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