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Where Did All The Special Finance Customers Go?

Greg Goebel - You have to continue your brand in the market——continue to remind people that you are able to help them, and most certainly ask for business. You simply must be prudent about what you spend and reasonable about your expectations. Forecast your deliveries and spend appropriately ...

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Generate Sales During Tough Times

Glynn Rodean - While car sales and football don’t have a lot in common, right now many dealers are practicing what many football teams do when they’re trying to hold onto their lead until the end of the game—the prevent defense. A team with a solid lead...

A BHPH Dealer's Wish List

Ryan Linnehan - I realize I may be a little older than the demographic of your typical letter-writer, but you know what they say. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Even though the economy has been very naughty this year, I can show you all...

Your Annual Review - Are You Ready For 2009

David Keller - Take a look at your expenses. Compare your expenses against other 20 group members. Compare them to industry averages. If some are high compared to the industry guides, review the detail of the expense accounts to see if you can reduce...

The Twelve Best BDC Practices Every Department Should Implement

Glynn Rodean - Over the years, I’ve developed a long list of best BDC practices and here are 12 from which every BDC can benefit...

Be Strong: It is Time to Be a Leader

Greg Goebel - To quote many other folks, I don’t care how much lipstick you put on a pig, it still is a pig.This economy and the industry is what it is. I have been beating the drum for dealers to right-size and maximize fixed operations ...

Walk the Talk in Inventory Management

Harlene Doane - Dealers are talking about inventory management in record numbers, but are they walking that talk? Most know inventory management is the smart thing to do. Having the right inventory in stock has proven to increase gross profits and...

The Three P’s Process + Procedures = Profit

Michael Finnan - Why are the first casualties of the current climate in today’s automotive marketplace time-tested and proven money-making policies and procedures? Why do we allow ourselves to stop doing the things that are designed to ...

Make Training A Daily Business: Practice It For Sustained Results

Michael Rees - New ewmployees need to know what you expect from them today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this year. If they don't, it will be impossible for your employees live up to your expectations ...

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Army of One - Leverage Your Resources

Sean Bradley - There is no army of one. Even in the United States Army, that really isn’t true either. There are no Rambos in the Army. The Green Berets, Delta Force, Airborne Rangers—all these units are elite teams, not stand-alone people ...

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