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Fighting The Frustrations Of Faulty Funding

Greg Goebel - The average funding time for SF deals, starting from the time the vehicle crosses the curb until the collected funds are available in your checking account, is 14 days ... The target should be seven days ...

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Are You Ready For Web 2.0?

Tim Madel - The best dealer Web sites are visually stunning, have numerous calls to action, provide visitors with the necessary...

The Story Your Financial Statements Tell

Jeff Smelley - The importance you place on record keeping and financial reporting impacts the ... decisions made as a result of them...

The Car Buyers Bill Of Rights

Kevin Kellerman - If the customer decides to purchase this option, they have the right to return the vehicle within two business days after the delivery of the vehicle...

"Till Payoff Do Us Part"

Ryan Linnehan - When assessing the customer’s ability to pay, don’t neglect to find out how many people are in the household...

Invest In Your Future Today

There wasn’t a single graduate I spoke with that indicated, even remotely, that they looked forward to a career in the automotive industry ...

Developing An Online Recruiting Presence: Part Two

Justin Spath - Set-up the employment page of your dealership Web site to address the what; tone, content, and design.

Retention University 501: Other People's Money

Andrew Wolfe - Along with allocations for advertising, marketing and general brand recognition, manufacturers and other suppliers allocate...

Put Your Service Department In Overdrive: Technology and Great Customer Skills Work Hand-In-Hand

Jennifer Rincon - The same, cherished sales training used in the showroom should be the model you follow in training service employees...

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Investing in the Future of Service: United Auto Group Raises the Bar

Harlene Doane - The combination of investing in areas of the dealership with the largest margins ... are driving the increase in revenue...

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