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The Year For Project 200 Car City Superstore Aims High

John Carroll - “We don’t market price or payments,” said Rubenstein. “We strictly market credit from the D-minus customer to the B customer, from the deep sub prime to the non prime...

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The Complex Issue Of Special Finance Personnel The Process of Hiring, Paying and Training Your Team

Greg Goebel - Any way you view it, if you expect to add incremental growth, you must have more people lest you cannibalize your existing business. Keep in mind the benchmark SF closing ratio of 17 percent, or roughly one out of six leads...

Fishing For The "Up Bus" Getting Your Customers Back

George Dans - First of all, review where your current business is coming from. Source your opportunities, your phone calls and your sales. Once you find out where the majority of your current business ...

The Attorney On Your Side

Greg Goebel - Every time dealers sell vehicles, they undertake a certain level of liability. You want to have your “I”s dotted and “T”s crossed. You want your sale documents to read the way you think they do.

Welcome The Phone-Up To Your Dealership

Will Parquette - The vehicle shopper simply doesn’t have as much “tire-kicking” time as they used to so they go to the phones to save on legwork and save time. Your staff needs to be prepared and trained ...

Don't Misrepresent The Buyer's Income To The Finance Company

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - Most states have such a law and the laws are particular favorites of plaintiffs’ lawyers. Why? Because they usually provide for a doubling or tripling of the plaintiff’s damages and provide for an award of...

Taming The Floor Plan Monster

Scott Dreisbach - It rears its ugly head from time to time and we all have to deal with the consequences it brings down upon us. It infects our mind, body and spirit. It feeds on vehicle inventory management decisions that were made without scientific facts.

Does Your Web Site Speak Spanish?

Jason Ezell - A large contributor to the continued rise in our total population and the online population is the Hispanic market, but you might be surprised by the size of this group’s AIUs. Since 2000, America’s population has increased by over 18 million people ...

Tips For Creating A Heathly, Stress-Free Workplace

Carlos Rodriguez - While identifying potential problems is important, business owners can also benefit from learning their employees’ strengths and weaknesses.

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Describing A Better Sale Proven Techniques For Developing More Professional Descriptions In Your Online Listing

Rob Chesney - They are your one opportunity to both inform and excite buyers – your newspaper listings, radio spots and sales floor conversations all rolled into one...

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