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Share the Season: Tis Time To Give Back

Greg Goebel - There are a lot of people out there that dealers don’t touch directly or indirectly. Many people don’t play on the Little League teams or go to the philharmonic.

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A Smooth Internet Operation: Peruzzi Toyota Scores with the Right Process in Place

Jennifer Murphy - Bill Finocchiaro, president of Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, Pa., has been experiencing online success since he expanded his Internet department and adopted new processes for the department. “I knew there was more out there;

Punitive Damages: How Much is Too Much?

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - The Texas Supreme Court found that Gullo Motors’ fraudulent actions merited exemplary (punitive) damages, but that the $125,000 remittitur exceeded the constitutional limits on exemplary damages...

Eliminating The Box Sale

Becky Chernek - It’s that sneaky system where the sales manager works out deals by getting customers to settle on only a monthly payment. Then, he sends them into the finance manager to close the deal

Proper Recruiting: Use the Steps To A Sale For A Successful Interview

Michael Rees - A lot of applicants will have a resume and will want to save time by not completing all parts of the application. Make it clear to each applicant that you need every part filled out..

Get Your Share Of The Largest Growth Market Segment

Greg Goebel - While it is reported that the average Beacon score is a 685, banks consider anything below a 720 Beacon or FICO score as non-prime credit. With credit unions the bar is set slightly lower, with 680 being the line at which prime credit begins.

The Meter Is Running

Scott Dreisbach - Each manufacturer expects dealers to start ordering new products to integrate into their dealership inventories. With this expectation, each dealer must determine how many vehicles will be ...

Marketing and Advertising Your Special Finance Department: Part Two

Greg Goebel - The most cost effective way to advertise is one of the easiest and most overlooked—references given by your existing SF traffic on their credit applications. Finance companies ask for a minimum of six references on credit applications.

Running With The Big Dogs: Elkin Chrysler Jeep Dodge Leave The Porch

Daymond Decker - So, what happens when you mix old-fashioned, small-town car sales with newfangled technology? The answer is a dealership with increased exposure that translates into more sales and higher profits...

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Keep Your Computer In Shape

Jeff Smelley - Many of us find out computers slowing down and/or having aggravating little problems that conspire to rob our time, patience and productivity. Here are a few common problems and what you can do to fix them, as well as prevent them.

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